Advocates and campaigners

Our stance on transport advocates and campaigners.

As a reasonably sized voluntary transport research group, we find it socially important to support those on the front line that volunteer their spare time, like our colleagues, to campaign and advocate for better sustainable transport solutions, in line with our ethos. A lot of these campaigners are local, and campaign for a singular local scheme, such as a new railway station, whereas some are larger national or regional groups operating with a wider scope.


While we will support transport advocates and campaigners, including through peaceful protest and pubic campaigning, we will never support violent protest or campaigns involving any sort of harassment and violence. We believe that this is extremely wrong and against our morals and ethos as an organisation, and as a wider society.


We are also highly against organisations that block vital national infrastructure, such as highways, ports, and rail. While we do not support development of highway infrastructure, we believe there will always need to be a place for it and that this infrastructure, which carries emergency vehicles, international aid, and even just families seeing loved ones or people going to work, should not be disturbed for the sake of our society and economy.